Easter 2022

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The children’s liturgy group decorate the 2021 Christmas Tree


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Pentecost 2021

Children’s Liturgy Pentecost 2021

On Sunday the Children’s Liturgy Group made this display which represents the Holy Spirit as tongues of fire surrounding the chrism that is used at Confirmation. If you look carefully under the lectern you can see the cake the children made which celebrates Pentecost as the birthday of the Church.



Easter 2021


For the Easter Light Party; the Easter story for children told by puppets Rosie and Dexter, plus an activity pack of quizzes, crafts and things go to http://ctid.pub/lightpartyeaster


Children's Liturgy

Every Sunday morning at the Church of Our Lady and just before the sermon begins, the children are able to participate in their own 'Liturgy of the Word'.  This follows the Church guidelines and includes a Penitential Rite and Gospel Reading.  There is a child friendly discussion about the reading and an activity follows.  The children present their work at the end of the sermon and rejoin the congregation.


To celebrate Pentecost the children made tongues of fire to add to their display in front of the altar. The feet symbolise the disciples going out into the world to spread the Good News after they had received the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We too can do this in our own small way in our daily lives.

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Each Sunday during Lent, the children work on things to add to the Lenten Journey which is laid our infront of the Altar. On Palm Sunday the Palms are added to the display as we consider Our Lord’s journey into Jerusalem.

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 The final photo shows the display which has been completed at Easter.

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Sunday 16th July 2017

Today the Children's Liturgy Group said goodby to Oliver and Casper who are returning with their family to their homeland of Poland. We will miss them and wish them well for the future.

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Above: Oliver, Casper, their mother Ewa and the Children's Liturgy Team.

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Above, Oliver and Casper with some of their friends from the Liturgy Group.


Sunday 22nd January 2017

Today's liturgy was based on the Gospel reading from Matthew 4:12-23.

The children heard that Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee when he called fishermen to be his disciples. He called Simon, who was known as Peter, Andrew his brother and another pair of brothers called James and Zebedee. He called them to be 'Fishers of men' and they immediately left their boats and their families and followed him.

The children each made their own individual boat and together produced this marvellous display which has been placed beside the altar.

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